Friday 28 January 2011

Red breast

Following the debacle of my last post (where the lovely actor Robin Causse was mistakenly misidentified as Stuart Manning), a hugely kind reader has sent me a veritable flock of Robins.

I don't know why he is naked while the rest of his cast members are clothed, although some of them look very quirkily interesting, too:

Anyhow, this is, apparently, a production of Hamlet.

It looks like it was fabulously more fun than any production of Hamlet I've ever seen.

In fact, as I contemplate this next image, I can't tell you how much I wished I was there. Preferably in the front row.

Even this final image does not seem so much disturbing as whimsically playful.

With just a hint of that glorious winkie peeking out at us. And that body hair...

I can't tell you how grateful I am to my generous reader(s). And to Robin, obviously.


Anonymous said...

Look what I found!

I didn't realise they allowed nudity on YouTube these days. The same user has uploaded similar clips from the same production if you have a dig around.

LeDuc said...

You are a super-hero! In fact, you should immediately start your own blog: someone with your skills at digging out cute naked actors should be sharing them with the rest of the world.