Sunday 16 January 2011

Random perversity

I probably can't persuade you of the utterly polymorphous nature of my sexuality unless, from time to time, I share with you an image such as this:

I don't know why I find that arousing (what with not being turned on by women, spanking and pain, or big dicks), but I do. This next image probably requires less deconstruction:

Though even there his winkie was larger than I would personally rather, er, handle.

This is a rather cute pair, leaving enough to the imagination.

And this is to enable us to remember a kinder, gentler time, when you could be a porn star without having a massive mutant cock:

If there were any justice in the world, this lovely-looking chap would also be a porn star:

He is? Ok, here's a pair found by ingenious and dedicated blogger Mike, over at naked public guys:

He is mystified as to the reason for my desire (what with there being little evidence one way or another as to the size of this chap's endowment), but a beaming smile goes a long, long way, as does chest hair, and muscles, and public nudity, and...

But smiling is not compulsory, as my lust for this uncomfortable-looking chap clearly demonstrates:

And while I can safely say I have never been aroused during a medical examination (really, far from it), I can see the charms of this:

But it's this sort of thing that really piques my interest, letting my brain wander into febrile (and possibly fetid) scenarios from which my sole purpose is to extract sexual pleasure:

And on that bombshell, it's probably best to end things here, with this hairy man and his cheeky smile:

His hairiness will provide a delightful visual link to "Giovanni" in the last post. Which, in the topsy-turvy world of the blog, you will be reading next.

Now that really is perverse.


Anonymous said...

I have a little feeling that some nice period British stations and trains would make a welcome return Also your architectural photos and comment are second-to-none... and that from a cockaholic like me! But as far as I'm concerned the filmic stuff is alien - we just don't get the arty movies at our nearest multiplex, although I confess to having been there last week and enjoyed The King's Speech

Anonymous said...

Those first two must be from Israel.

LeDuc said...

Anonymous 1: very sweet way of demanding that I alter the balance of posts! In fairness to me there's some Rail Blue stuff less than a week ago, and an obscure LNER steam engineering shunter a week before that, so I'm not entirely neglecting old trains. But you're right: there is currently a higher ratio of cock:train than is, er, normal.

Anonymous 2: I think the 2nd one is from Israel, but why must the first one be from there too? Do you know the source of this image... I'd love to see more!

Stewart Jackel said...

Our photographer chappie is clearly Israeli (but no hat, no sock - bad!). Judging by the angle of the sun that creates the shadow that conceals his lovely winkie, my guess it the image was taken up north (perhaps at Metula) near the UN blue line where one can see into Lebanon and Syria from the hill that has an army post on top.
I'm an expert on Israel and Israelis, you see. I spent two weeks there two years ago (!) and knew an Israeli grin very well.
I'd love to see more too, preferably very proximal.