Friday 14 January 2011

Even more random. Er...

I think this may well be my most random selection ever.

Recognising, of course, that something can't be more or less random -- it either is random or it is not.

Anyway, this isn't the place for such debates. That image, above, is one of the more unusual I've ever posted, largely because dominatrices are not really my cup of tea. But, oh, his winkie...

Things take a strange turn now, as we enter gimp world. I am fascinated by gimps (in a completely non-sexual way, as it happens), and this one has a rather fine body:

But this post has gone rather darker than usual, so let's bring it to a premature ejaculation:

I think he was worth waiting for, actually. A very fine chap. Yes, let's just draw a veil over the rest, shall we?


Lady V said...

Lawks, you just have me a terrible shock over my morning muesli, Le Duc! The man in the first picture bears a shocking resemblance to the father of my child. From the shoulders up, of course. I wouldn't want to cast aspersions on the rest of his physique...

LeDuc said...

Really? Now you come to mention it I think the chap in the 4th photo looks more reminiscent...

LeDuc said...

And who are you kidding with this talk of "morning meusli". We all know you're secretly troughing raw black pudding on a continuous basis.

albeo said...

Much as I LOVE the mother of my child for suggesting I might look like guy #1, and much as I giggle at the idea of resembling guy #4, the truth is: I REALLY don't look like either. Especially #1. Tots, dear, pregnancy is REALLY doing strange things to your brain...

Viollet said...

One can only feel sympathy for the lad in No 1. Seriously inconvenient, apart from anything else.

Lady V said...

I actually meant the man in no. 2. Go on, Le Duc, squint. You know it's true.....!

Lady V said...


Your cravings not mine, sir...

LeDuc said...

Number 2, eh? Well, now you come to mention it, there is something about the creases at the corner of his smile. And we all know about A's tattoo fetish: maybe there are other murky secrets there, too...

Black pudding? I won't touch the stuff. You know how fussy us East Anglians are about food: if it's not got swede in it, it's not really a meal.