Monday 10 January 2011


Someone (no names, no pack drill) has just had the nerve to leave a comment implying (and I can't believe I am even going to write this) that, somehow, dogs are better than cats. Here's proof, if proof be need be, of the superior appeal of cats:

See? Who'd want a dog when you could be constantly abused by a cat?

And is it just me, or does Simon look like a bit of a hunk...?


sticks said...

They're wonderful, the Simon's Cat series: I'm sure you've found the others. Thanks for cheering me up, and, yes, your sentiments that prompted the post are sooooo true. And right.

davy said...

I'd eat it.

albeo said...

I fundamentally dislike cats. They clearly are an extraterrestrial monitoring device here to spy on us humans until we are ripe and evolved enough to be enslaved to a vastly superior alien race.
Simon, on the other hand, is somewhat hot.

Niall said...

Dogs ARE better! They come and nussle you when you are down, and share your excitement when you are up. Cats only engage with you when they want something. As the video illustrates. If you like being clawed and trampled on though, they are the pet for you! I love the series.