Sunday 9 January 2011

Burning up

A kind reader has pointed me in the direction of what appears to be a Russian site hosting a wodge of photos from a Burning Man Festival:

Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I give you this delightful selection of cowboy-hatted grungy hippies parading naked for our delectation:

No idea what's going on here, but one of my pet hates is men who wear their ties loosened. Either wear it properly or take it off. A loosened tie is a sign of irretrievably decayed moral values and an inability to resolve internal emotional conflicts:

It's a low-res image showing no cock whatsoever but I don't care: I adore it:

This image seems to me to convey the image of jolly (drug-fuelled) fun that is the central purpose of festivals such as this:

But it can all get a bit much for some revellers.

Here the chap on the left in that last image (the pink tube-sock boy) sits up for a moment and we can see that there is at least one literally burning man at the Burning Man Festival:

Ouch. That's going to smart a bit in the morning. Although I don't understand why his milky-white thighs haven't also turned purple. Mysterious.


Stewart Jackel said...

These silly billies forgot their sock. The Anticancer Council recommends a hat, sunscreen and a sock.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you give us the link so we can see the rest!!!!

LeDuc said...

Spike: A sock...? Are you insane??

Anonymous: Why don't you use your initiative and search for them yourself???? Google is your friend!!!! Or you could try saying "please"!!!! Or you could offer to pay me to be your researcher -- I wouldn't object!!!!