Saturday 29 January 2011

Pay-back time

A fistful of fun to fortify you for the austere times in the post that follows this one. If you see what I mean.

Think of this as the calm before the storm.

Because the post after this one does not have these lusciously large images, which clicking to enlarge transforms into detailed life studies of the lovely men contained therein.

No, those treats are only for this post.

So you should gather ye rosebuds while ye may...

Alright then. Are you ready for the next post? Sorry but, as Scudder so eloquently put it, "you've had your fun. And now you must pay".


Anonymous said...

Wow, LeDuc! That last lad is positively gigantic by your standards although I'm sure some of your followers will find him rather tasty

LeDuc said...

Shhh! Or everyone will notice...