Wednesday 12 January 2011

Random adventures

Time for another random selection, starting with, as the saying goes, two cocks on a rock:

In this next one, the primary purpose of the tie -- as an arrow pointing out the most important things -- has never been more obvious:

While this is the sort of scene I always wish I would encounter on my tedious daily Underground commutes:

Here's proof that conditions in wartime can be tough:

While this next one just amuses and attracts me in equal measure. I have no idea why:

And even though I generally prefer them to remove their hands, this is utterly endearing:

No particular reason for including this next one other than an admiration for the simplicity of the backdrop and the naturalness of the model:

To finish, a question. Why is Mr Manhattan (is that right?) such a popular figure for naked paraders?

Strikes me as a lot of hard work for little discernible benefit.


Unknown said...

Dr. Manhattan.

I suppose the reason he's popular for these things is because he's just so naked (and so noted for it)

But of course these lovely boy(s) arn't Dr. Manhattan because he's solid blue from scalp to toe with am atom on his forehead. Whereas in the picture they're ... not.

Stewart Jackel said...

He's actually Iggle Piggle. You know, the character in "In the Night Garden" that looks like a blue condom. So suitable for one's two year old grandson. 'Always practice safe sex' even before you know what it's for ... if you are still with me.