Saturday 29 January 2011


You have no idea how frustrating it can be compiling porn for Top Scoff.

I find photos that appear to be sublimely beautiful, but then discover they are only tiny, tiny, low resolution images.

This post is a collection of some of those tiny images that have so frustrated me.

There is no point "clicking to enlarge" -- in many instances the image you will then see will be smaller than those that appear in this post (although this next one is one of the exceptions):

Although that's not true for all of them: sometimes the frustration is that there is only one single image of that subject when I want more -- lots more.

And sometimes the frustration is simply that the model is teasing us with salacious imagery that hints at the winkie but then... nothing.

Why would they be so wantonly cruel to poor, drone-like porn-seekers like me?

We are simple creatures, willing to be led up the proverbial garden path provided, at the end of it, we get to see into the, er, woodshed.

Um... that metaphor didn't really work, but you know what I mean.

We love seeing the blue touch-paper lit, but at the end of the anticipatory wait we want to see the explosive firework display.

Too many models leave us with damp squibs.

Or -- and this is an even more heinous crime -- they have demonstrated that there is indeed a magnificent explosion, but it is posted in such a low resolution that we are unable to make out any detail.

This next chap is a prime example of that: we love his lightly haired body and his short, punchy chubby, but...

I want more!

And as for this next staggeringly lovely ottery-boy, words fail me...

Why is this the only shot in the whole world? Why does he not appear naked on billboards in every major and minor city??

These two (above and below) give good eyes, but that's just not enough, is it?

A pair of pairs to end on -- starting with these chaps who give us superb winkie, but in such low resolution and in only a single image. Why, oh, why?

And to end with this delightful couple.

Do they not know how many hours -- weeks, probably -- I would spend slavering over a high-res photo-set of them being nice to each other?

Hm... perhaps they do, and that's why there's only a single image...?

PS: Bugger it. I forgot to upload the very image that inspired this whole post -- the frustration of such a low-res image of what is obviously a magnificent subject. Better late than never:

Don't you just adore him? But I so, so want to see the detail. Really. All of it.


1 comment:

Dio said...

Well Leduc, the images look perfectly fine on my laptop. But I do agree with the lack of quantity of certain "models". In most cases, I'll take what I can get ;)