Tuesday 9 November 2010

Come again?

There has been a deplorable shortage of ginger on here, over the last few months.

I can only imagine that that lack has encouraged Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman in her outburst against the Chief Secretary to the Treasury in which she described him as a "ginger rodent".

Harman -- who for years was Minister for Equalities -- has been forced into what I can only hope is a humiliating and humbling climb-down for, as these lovely boys show, there is nothing wrong with a bit of ginger.

Apparently, the recessive genes that cause gingeriness are rapidly disappearing under a tsunami of blond, brunet and blackness (add feminine endings as applicable - it's an interesting aside that hair colours are the only adjectives remaining in English which take masculine or feminine form. Though you wouldn't believe it from reading profiles of gay boys who describe themselves as "blonde").

Anyhow, the other delightful aspect of this photoseries is the way that the slightly less gingery twink has not shaved his patch of chest hair.

This is wonderful news, marking, as it clearly does, the end of all that ridiculous over-the-top shaving and, er, "manscaping" nonsense that we've suffered for the last decade or so.

In this case, I firmly believe that one, er, swallow may very well make a summer.

And now I think you should just lay back and enjoy that punning. I'm rather pleased with it.


Niall said...

Neither of them look properly ginger to me. No copper pubes to be seen anywhere.
It would be nice though if it really were the end of "manscaping" though sadly I doubt it. I'm all for ethnic diversity though!

albeo said...

well what can I say but a HUGE thank you! First tats then ginger boys. I might have overdosed...