Thursday 25 November 2010


That's utterly infuriating. I've just spent half an hour writing an incisive and comprehensive overview of the railway capital investment programme announced today by the government, and Blogger has just eaten it all.

I'd found about twenty really cute new images, too, and labouriously uploaded them, one by one, on what tonight must be the world's slowest broadband connection (more like narrowband, actually): they were all "disappeared" by Blogger, too.

Everything went wrong when I formatted some paragraphs with bullet points.

That'll teach me to try to be clever.

And now I haven't the heart or energy to start again. Sorry. You're going to have to look elsewhere for that news. Still, at least that means it'll be accurate.


Anonymous said...

Hearing the BBC report it on R4 at 11.00, 3.00 and 6.00 was an illuminating experience. At 11.00 they mentioned it and then gave airtime to Bob Crowe to denigrate it, at 3.00 they actually told us what it involved, and at 6.00 they told us the very barest bones and then got some opposition wallah to pooh-pooh it. Impartial? My arse!

Stewart Jackel said...

But you, M. LeDuc being a clever young lad, will know the name of, and differential equation for, the curve in the ultime image. Reminds me of a black hole ... or something. Just what is below the patform level into which the vortex leads? Hmmm?