Monday 8 November 2010


I realise you've been missing me so, in the manner of a bone thrown to a dog, here's some cock:

Why the silence? After my exotic outing to the seaside on Saturday, I spent all of Sunday in holy contemplation or, at least, exploring the architectural intrigues of St Albans.

Don't get over-excited: in architectural terms the cathedral may best be described as "lumpen-Victorian", though there are smatterings of very much older stuff if you care to search them out. Aesthetically it's a bit of a mish-mash, although there were some particularly nice angels:

And St Albans the town makes up for it, with some odd Roman remains (this was the capital city for a while, when England was a Roman colony), and a larger number of Medieval and Georgian delights:

The weather was utterly fabulous: one of those crystal-clear days before winter finally tightens its grip. And this has been a spectacular Autumn -- I really don't remember such vivid colours on the trees for such a long period:

So, before we go all Nature Watch, that's probably a good time to bring it all to an end.

I hope more usual service (if not necessarily "normal") will resume tomorrow.


Jim in SC said...

Excellent photography! Especially, the angel candlestick. Perfect lighting...

chris z said...

Ah, the delights of weather - here it's either hot and dry (10 months of the year) or warm and wet ... Everything grows 12 months of the year but it does slow down a bit in Dec and Jan. Lemon trees are currently loaded with fresh lemons. BTW the first photograph should have been labelled "here's a cock" as it's multiples of the same dude (still very delicious, of course).