Sunday 10 October 2010

When you're smiling...

I like a jolly smile; really, I do.

But in a sequence such as this, too consistent a smile looks a bit mad.

In fact, it starts to have the opposite effect from that which is presumably intended.

Far from increasing my lustful thoughts, it makes me wonder if this poor boy is not, in fact, a community care victim.

I wonder if I'm not exploiting him by staring at his rude bits when, in fact, he is in some deep psychological pain.

Then again, he does have a lovely winkie.

1 comment:

Stewart Jackel said...

Clearly he's a born-again christian, poor lad. He's learned to sing, 'I'm h-a-p-p-y.' But he's not yet got to the bit thaty says it's a sin (and a bad sin at that) to have your winkie on a website of those poofs who are GOING TO HELL BECAUSE THEY DESTROY FAMILY VALUES AS WE KNOW Them etc etc.
Sorry. Got a bit excited there.

Nice arse. :-)