Sunday 24 October 2010

Easy on the eye

So shoot me: I needed a break from the worthy and visceral offerings of the London Film Festival and there, calling me, was Easy A.

It held out the promise of cool teen crud, a Clueless for the 2010s.

Of course, it could never reach those dizzy heights, but Easy A includes a gay best friend (well, acquaintance, anyway), the bitch girl (the President of the Born-Agains, of course), and the endless supply of cute boys.

Some of whom are even meant to look like they're in their mid-20s.

Stand-out performance for me, though, was from the parents, including a delightful trippy Mom who confesses to being the school slut in her day, and a Dad who asks their (black) adopted kid "so, where are you from?".

I laughed out loud quite a lot, actually. Easy A is pretty good entertainment.

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