Tuesday 19 October 2010

What a crock

I found myself passing the V&A and, on an impulse, I went to see the new European galleries.

I got lost and, instead, spent a happy time wandering around the ceramics rooms on the top floor.

The V&A has the world's largest collection, something you don't really appreciate until you realise that, although you've already been through a large number of very substantial rooms filled with the stuff, there are a lot more still to do.

Including rooms where the shelves are literally crammed with the most gorgeous ceramics ever.

These are not my photos, just stuff culled from the web to give an impression of the diversity of forms and styles -- although I'm not really succeeding at that because I've rigorously culled out stuff I didn't much care for and instead added in loads of examples of late Medieval Italian ceramics (which I do).

The spaces are modern and beautiful, but also intensely old-fashioned in their resolute refusal to "interpret" what you are seeing -- most of the objects don't even have a label.

Serendipitous museum wandering can be a delightful pastime.

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