Saturday 9 October 2010

Toga boys

While I'm in the 1970s, I thought this retro-style sequence was rather jolly.

Those pastel colours...

I mean, really.

Still, I like the idea of an all-male frat-boy toga party:

For reasons I can't begin to fathom, toga parties were all the rage when I was transitioning from adolescence into a sort of adulthood.

Alas, the ones I went to never became quite this delirious, but I enjoyed having the men's hairy chests exposed to my lustful yearnings.

I can honestly say that none ever went this far, though.

Or, at least, none of the ones I was invited to went this far.

Although, come to think about it, maybe I went home too early?

Also, it's possible I had passed out from alcohol abuse, something I was still prone to do in those far-off days.

For God's sake, I was a student -- it was what we were meant to do!

Nowadays I understand students work really hard in order to get a good job with an investment bank or a firm of accountants.

God help them.


Anonymous said...

They didn't wear condoms in the 70's.

Stewart Jackel said...

All of us good christian lads were home by 10 pm. I hope there'll be lots of good sex in heaven so we can catch up.

LeDuc said...

"They didn't wear condoms in the 70's."

a) Yes, some people did. Admittedly mostly straight people, but nonetheless.

b) That's why the first sentence of this post describes this as "retro-style". Ie, something made today but in an earlier style. Ie, not, actually, from the 1970s. You might also have said that not many college students had 6-packs or tattoos back then. But thanks, anyway, for pointing out the anachronism. Very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that none of the participants in this sequence of pics appears to be enjoying the activity at all. Presumably therefore they were well-paid; but surely they might have acted enjoying?

Sven said...

Thanks for the pictures. I really love Christian Sharp.

There are from the 2009 Randy Blue - That 70s Gay Porn Movie.