Monday 18 October 2010

Not even half-way

Can I introduce my new Best Friend Forever? Sure, he's a little fuzzy, but hey, which of us does not have off-days?

London Film Festival delirium is beginning to set in, as I watch too many films in too short a space of time.

You see? Even there I'm writing crap. It is simply not possible to see "too many" films.


Eggo the Ostrich said...

This guy is sensational - fuzzy or not. It'd be nice to see more pics.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he'll hold for long; such a tiny todger doesn't herald well for cementing a long-term relationship!

LeDuc said...

You're insane: it's the tiny todger that will be the making of the relationship. Even when I'm tired, my jaw muscles won't object. And, frankly, when I'm retired, after years being together, my anal sphincter will still be fully functional, while all my friends whose partners have Giant Mutant Winkies will also have a standing order for pensioner-sized Pampers.

No, living out my days in nappies is not a prospect I would welcome...