Thursday 21 October 2010

It's art. No, really, it is.

I figure you might all be sick by now of cinema reports from the London Film Festival, so it's time for a change of art-form: to one of my favourites.

God, you've gotta love Performance Art, haven't you?

There's something so deliciously self-important about it while, at the same time, usually being unspeakably tacky-looking.

But, Lordy, the nudity!

These artists know how to give good body.

This is, apparently, someone called Gustavo Solar.

I am in love with him (or, at least, with his penis).

It is almost as if he was purposely designed to feature on Top Scoff.

Who needs the cinema, eh, when there are art students this daring?


sticks said...

Is the answer or deeper meaning to that 42?

Please don't stop your LFF round-up: I like your reviews and have added a couple of must-sees to my list. Of course, the chances of this will be limited if the films don't come out as sub-titled dvds. Do you know if LFF films are also sometimes shown at LLGFF, if gay-themed/relevant?

LeDuc said...

Some LLF films end up at LLGFF (and vice versa), although I would expect both festivals to be pruned or worse as a result of public spending cuts -- the BFI, like all the other major national arts institutions, got a 15% budget cut on Wednesday.

DVD is your safest bet -- and get a multi-region player so you can import US ones in case they don't come out in the UK ( is the Region 1 site of, and just as efficient).

chris z said...

You are right this dude has a winkie perfectly designed for Top Scroff. Congratulations on finding him. Where was the art school? I think I need to enroll.

Anonymous said...

Have you see Gustavo's blog? Well worth a look at this Chilean guy and his mates.

Niall said...

What a cute little willy he has. The rest of him looks rather attractive too. Do we get to know his name?

Niall said...

I've just noticed the lustfull gaze of the guy standing in the black and green jacket. Seems we're not th only ones who admire his anatomy.

LeDuc said...

Niall: I know you were distracted by his beautiful winkie, but the answer to your question may have been found in the post, in the sentence that read "This is, apparently, someone called Gustavo Solar". Hope that answers the question!

Anonymous: Amazingly, this is one of the few occasions when I had bothered to do any homework so I had indeed seen his blog. It reminded me that Chile has been on my list of places I must visit for a looong time.

naturgesetz said...

Went to Gustavo Solar's blog. He has become very comfortable with nudity over the past 18 months or so. A number of his performance pieces are very striking indeed. Clearly there is so thought behind them.

naturgesetz said...

BTW where did you get those pics? I've searched everyway I can think of on Gustavo Sandoval's blog, his flickr photos, and his facebook pages, and the only ones of him in this event that I can find are the third and fifth ones that you have.

Perhaps there are others or a video or two that I can find if you give me a link to your source.
