Tuesday 19 October 2010

Me me me

This image brought the unbidden thought to my brain that, sometimes, there's not much dignity involved in sex.

I toyed with the thought awhile, as I contemplated this sequence.

Maybe that's part of the point: the loss of dignity is a stripping-away of all those tired and tiresome social conventions by which we live our everyday lives.

The best sex is a reversion to a childish nakedness, to a time when we were just id.

And part of that is reverting to the instinctive desire for physical intimacy (there's no dignity in being a baby, is there?).

Still, these chaps seem contented enough with it.


Captain Fantastic said...

Outstanding! As much for the décor as anything else ... Where did they come from? Are there many more?

LeDuc said...

There are maybe half a dozen more -- though, obviously, not as exciting as these. I only give you the best stuff.

Lady V said...

Just as I started reading this post I began to think about the lack of dignity in having a baby. And then you mentioned it. And I began to sweat....

LeDuc said...

Just remember Eric Morecambe, a fixed grin on his face as he edged slowly sideways off the stage, muttering to little Ern soto voce "Dignity at all times...".