Saturday 11 December 2010

World of interiors

I've put off posting these images for a long time.

It's not the model -- no, as far as I'm concerned he is a near perfect porno model.

Utterly exquisite, perfect in nearly every respect. Yes, indeed.

No, it's the bloody hideous interior decor that's made me pause.

I even tried a variety of interesting effects to see if that would tone down the sofa in particular:

Alas, nothing worked.

In the end, I decided that the sheer overwhelming loveliness of this man was more than a match for the hideous plush fabric.

Now I'm seeing it on the screen, though, I'm having second thoughts.

Maybe the black and white did look better?

Oh, bugger it: you're all grown-ups (at least, I very much hope you are): you can work it out for yourselves.

In the meantime, I remain convinced that he really is very lovely indeed -- well worth the sacrifice, I should say.


chris z said...

No, nothing works to redeem this treasure. Sorry, imho. But he is treasure...

Anonymous said...

Opposites do attract. Hate the model, love the couch, appreciate your blog. TB

Niall said...

What a cuteypie! :-)
The sofa is not worthy.

Alan said...

Looks like my mothers old furniture. When the hell did she have him over?