Friday 31 December 2010


I nearly overlooked this chap, a bit put-off by his mad, staring eyes.

It was only at the second glance that I realised he was just being very enthusiastic.

While his smile (either beaming or of contentment) conveyed even more eloquently his enthusiasm for, er, rubbing one out.

The giggly smile in this next one provides all the confirmation anyone might require.

And so he sets to work with gusto... or, rather, it isn't really "work" at all, since he so clearly delights in what he is doing.

Yes, that's what I like to tell myself about these models as I ingest prodigious quantities of porn.

1 comment:

Niall said...

He looks rather like an old neighbor of mine who, in the warmer months, would often stroll around in nothing but shorts so everyone in his household (and ours) could see his toned bod. Show off.
I did kind of like it though. This guy is hot too.