Monday 13 December 2010

Not so magical

Even though I am not a fan, circumstances conspired to make me see the latest in the Harry Potter series:

Is it me, or is this stuff getting increasingly derivative? It felt like a reworking of the Lord of the Rings: featuring strange Gollum-like Creatures (sic) like Dobby; a quest to destroy objects which the evil protagonist needed to achieve ultimate power; magic which conveniently for the plot doesn't work at certain critical times.... You can tell I didn't think it was very good, can't you? It was all so... pedestrian.

The main aspect of interest was the sheer number of times they manufactured situations requiring Daniel Radcliffe to take his shirt off (including a very saucy soft porn number when an animated version of him and the girl actor engaged in naked, smoke swirl-encased frottage).

Daniel doesn't do anything terribly much for me (at least, not when he's not appearing fully-frontal naked in Equus), but I'm guessing he must have built a substantial following of teenies who are desperate for some Daniel action.

There were fewer slots for Great English Character Actors (where's Maggie Smith when you need her?), and Hogwarts didn't appear although that at least meant we were spared more spiffing japes in the boarding school. And the Hogwarts Express did appear, albeit briefly, which is nice: but you'd have thought they'd have upgraded those old Mk1 coaches by now...


Anonymous said...

You do surprise me. I thought all geeks liked Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings etc. I thought it was my inner geek which let me appreciate such works. Perhaps not though as I certainly don't understand the train thing. They're just expensive things you get on to go from A to B aren't they. Tiro.

LeDuc said...

I'm not surprised that some find it difficult to appreciate because train geekery is, of course, a much higher form of geekery than any other.

Except gay porn geekery, obviously.

Anonymous said...

Mention Maggie Smith and I go ga-ga!

albeo said...

I kind of agree with you Le Duc. It was indeed a lesser HP. Thought most of it looked like an ad from the Scottish tourist board, in fact. And SO MUCH DIALOGUE!!! Really, HP is not about what they think!! It's about wands and how well they perform their magic. Very much like gay porn I dare say. Who care about the dialogue bits? Rubbish. All I want is action!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm. Perhaps you are just too intelliegent for Harry Potter, LeDuc. Thinking about it although adult enthusiasm for it is a bit geeky, it isn't actually that cerebral. I, on the other hand, find intelligent and worthy films like exercise. If I absolutely make myself take the experience then I do appreciate it but my natural inclination is to be lazy! Tiro

HM said...

If you want to see Harry Potter star naked, go to and near the bottom, you will find him in all his glory :))