Monday 13 December 2010


A dozen dreamy images of a dreamy-looking boy:

I don't even have a porn name for this chap, I'm afraid.

Which is a pity, because I think he's very fine indeed.

I'm even prepared to overlook the obvious body-shaving that's gone on.

Because in the really important places he has not shaved and -- hey poncho! -- he has one of the most delightful winkies that we've seen on Top Scoff for, literally, hours.

See what I mean?:

But this photosequence has even more to give -- here are some unusual angles:

Unusual angles, bushy pubiary and tiny winkie... what's not to like?

I think we could do with a close-up, now:

And everything laid out for us on a slab:

Time to finish, I think, and here's the perfect note on which to end:

Well, ok, maybe he wasn't that tiny. Definitely more of a grower than a shower, though. And very satisfying indeed, I'd say.


jsstrand said...

Well, he is just about as perfect as it gets!! Plus no metal and no tats and no circ scarring the landscape - just doesn't get any better! Thanks for posting - and I hope there are lots more where those came from -

Niall said...

Oooh ahh. Now I have a problem. I can't work out if I prefer him or the cute blond chap posted the other day :-S
How does one resolve these things?