Thursday 23 December 2010


A misanthrope like me despises this time of year. Yet, to my annoyance, it is impossible to avoid being roped into social activities and Organised Fun, of the sort guaranteed to leave me feeling depressed and overwhelmed by ennui. At times like this it's comforting to retreat to the certainties of gay porn, so I give you this single, delightful, image:

The chap on the right overwhelmingly reminds me of my good schoolfriend Jeremy E., who was reputed to have the largest penis in the school (it was certainly massive. Really, absolutely humongous. But I didn't see the penis of every other boy, so find it impossible in all conscience to assert that his penis was, indeed, the biggest of all). Unfortunately for Jeremy he once got an erection in the showers after sports and, being so massive, it was impossible to hide his excitement. From then on he acquired the universal nickname "Granite" (used even by the teachers) because, of course, he had gone rock-hard...

He was actually a delightful boy. Ah, Jeremy. Where are you now?


Ipmilat said...

I sympathise. This time of year makes us misanthropes even more misanthropic. My rant about bloody organsied bloody fun here

LeDuc said...

I completely agree with this:

chris z said...

Yes, yes, and yes. But these two are delightful.
And my "granite" friend in High School was called Mark. Once on a high school trip to Rome (I lived in England in thoswe days)he got an erection on the tour bus just as we were passing San Giovanni Laterano which has (I am sure you know, with your love of Italy) the biggest obelisk in Rome in the square outside. His nickname thereafter was obelisk.

Viollet said...

Pretty pair!

Regarding Jeremy, he must have been quite flattered by the sobriquet, I'd have thought. At least it wasn't risible, like one of my contemporaries, known to all as Wee Willie Winkie ...

Funny how every school (?boys' school) has one giant member among its number. Mine was Johnny B; a delightful boy and fine cricketer: huge!

Anonymous said...

What a pair of stunners - why don't they come carol singing to my house? Now that would make Christmas worth looking forward to and not an ordeal...

Tony said...

The vexing thing about whoppers is that the ratio of flaccid to erect is highly variable.

I've seen monster flaccids creep upwards but stay the same size.

Often it's the weeny weiners that surprise when they are flushed with excited manhood.

jsstrand said...

Well, the guy with the biggest one at my school was nicknamed "Smoky" which was short for "smokehouse" because he had so much meat hanging - - - - -

Tony said...

The guy with the biggest wang at my school was called simply "horse".

Uncutplus said...

The biggest cock in my high school showers was named Richard, so it was appropriate to call him "Dick."

I never saw it hard, but he was at least twice as big as the rest of us, flaccid!