Monday 20 December 2010

For the footie fans

You may, by now, have realised that I care not a jot for sports. Or indeed pretty much any sort of "Organised Fun".

However, even London has been affected by the recent snow-related adverse weather conditions.

Which has led to the cancellation of a significant number of football matches.

Or perhaps I mean a number of significant football matches?

Frankly, I have no way of telling the difference and in any event I don't really care.

All I know is that significant numbers of football fans have recently been deprived of their simple pleasures.

... And Top Scoff, what with being a public service blog and everything, decided it was only right to provide them with some sort of compensation.

Hence today's football-related post.

I was fortunate enough to stumble across what might be called the Mother Lode of naked footballing.

Clearly there is a pornographer out there somewhere who is only really turned on by naked footballers.

He (I don't know why I assume it is a he, but I do) uses the same location again and again (you may have noticed that there were several different groups of players in these shots or, perhaps, you were concentrating on their ball skills rather than their faces?).

So we get the same sort of shots in each sequence -- even the leaves on the shrubbery appear to be the same condition.

For that reason I feel entirely confident mashing them together as one homogenous footie extravaganza.

Even though I couldn't give a toss about sports, I've actually rather enjoyed this sequence.

It has a sort of innocence about it, a gentle, almost whimsical air.

Which is more than can be said for my lustful thoughts for these fine athletic specimens. Very sporting.


The New Me said...

Thank you, I was unaware I was attracted to naked foolballers until just now. And thank you also for pointing out that they have faces I hadn't actually noticed. Did i say thank you?

Niall said...

How lovely! Nice natural boys having nice natural boyish fun outdoors. Very nice!

Stewart Jackel said...

I am a foundation member of the Australian Cliche Police. I want to congratulate you on resisting the awful temptation to make reference to 'ball skills'. Well done, Mr LeDuc.

Anonymous said...

I doubt whether these pictures were taken by a pornographer (as you suggest). First, they aren't pornographic; secondly, they resemble the kind of picture often to be found in "naturist" material. I'd guess that's what they are. Nice, though.

Anonymous said...

These remind me of teen years when we swam in the local rivers and maybe changed into swim suits and we would get to see everyones naked bodies and where they were on the road to puberty. Someone often started some playful distraction to make the moment of nakedness last longer. If was a time of admiring a guys body and thinking how hot some stranger was.
thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed on myself you getting so much enjoyment from looking at a group of pictures but thank you for posting them!

Fred in Florida

LeDuc said...

"I doubt whether these pictures were taken by a pornographer"

He has taken other photos in the same location (and with some of the same models) that are rather more, er, racy. So, yes, I think he is a pornographer.

Whether or not the footie photos are pornographic is a different issue: for me, they appear to have been taken to stimulate sexual excitement. No matter what their other merits, that primary motivation makes them pornographic.

This is not, of course, a value judgment on my part since, as you will have gathered from this blog, I adore pornography.