Saturday 4 December 2010


We're now about half-way through the second series of Misfits, and I have to tell you I'm loving it even more than the first.

The series is, in some ways, an English version of some of those high-concept US late teens series (Buffy and her ilk), but this one is not, like most English copies, a pale and unsatisfactory imitation: no, Misfits is so firmly set in the hideous wastelands of London's Thamesmead that it's impossible to imagine it anywhere else.

It's also very foul-mouthed and very rude and very funny. And, at times, packs a surprisingly powerful emotional punch.

The basic plot? Five kids doing community service for assorted crap crimes are zapped by a thunderstorm and acquire a range of crappy and not-so-crappy super-powers.

Oh, alright, I confess, I also love Misfits because I have a bit of a crush on Nathan, played by Robert Sheehan as the exuberant, foul-mouthed motor-mouth.

To my utter joy, for reasons too complicated to explain, for one episode only Nathan becomes A Gay; a very predatory, lust- and love-lorn Gay. He is magnificent.

If you've not caught the second series, the first episode is available (alas, to UK residents only, I think) for one more week on 4OD, free; the other episodes for longer.

The first series has been out on DVD for about a thousand years, so if you've not seen that yet you need to get with the programme.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Ok, so I went and watched that episode - am I wrong to wish that before the tattoos were removed Simon would have received a 'Nathan' tattoo as well - just for a bit? Now when it comes to lusting, Simon is more my cup of tea. (Future Simon seems a bit more self assured, but present Simon will do just fine!)