Monday 13 December 2010

Muscle Marys

Us Londoners are so fortunate. Our Government actually pays cute, fit men to dress up in strangely trans-gendered gear and stand around all day, just for us to take photos:

I have no idea why they do this, although interestingly they always ensure one or two of these good-looking chaps is plonked on a horse. Tourists love it!

These beautiful boys have clearly been told to sit still (and, possibly, to sit up straight). They carry it off with aplomb, even on a damp and chilly day like yesterday:

Others are made to stand stiffly for our viewing pleasure:

For some reason, some tourists can't get enough photos taken standing alongside them (this chap got very grumpy and was shouting at his, er, "friend" who clearly wasn't taking precisely the right image):

This part of London is stuffed full of war memorials, some sporting sculptures of sombre-looking soldiers:

Is it just me or do they look disconcertingly like quintuplets?

But this commemoration is now descending into farce with this, one of the most recent monuments:

Why not a memorial to the forgotten ginger-haired heroes of London? Or to The Gays? I thought the whole point of the War was that We Were All In It Together -- so how is this divide and remember policy helping us to learn the lessons?


Anonymous said...

What about the horses? Valium?
Any chance of a photo with the guy seen from behind in the second photo (grey-blue jacket and dark blue hoody) looking into the camera ;-)

LeDuc said...

I think you should come with me on my photo wanderings: you'd be an excellent art director!

Anonymous said...

Art director?
Greedy middle-aged (old?) man!