Wednesday 29 December 2010

All is revealed

I'm back! And, to celebrate my return, a post consisting entirely of those lovely naked self-portraits:

No, not of me, silly. Mostly of lads beginning exuberantly to explore and broadcast their existence as sexual beings. Although not all of them are naked (and apologies that most of these images are much smaller than I would usually post):

But many of them are an excuse to show-off a larger-sized chopper:

Although occasionally (rarely) we get a rather nifty back view:

I think most naked exhibitionists have massive wangers (maybe that's why they are exhibitionists):

Although, to disprove my contention, here's someone with nothing particularly large to write home about:

And this guy is obviously fluffed (which, sadly, just serves to emphasise his own insecurities):

It's the natural look that most appeals to me:

Although I also, perversely, rather enjoy the semi-reveal (a bit of concealment usually fuels the imagination):

And, as always, I am a sucker for beauty:

But if there's one thing that pisses me off with these otherwise delightful boys, it's poor framing -- take this lovely boy who ruins everything by showing us far more of his bathroom than I care to see:

How much better if he'd done this, to enable us to focus on what we're really interested in:

Although, to finish, proof that you don't actually have to show very much at all to appear to be completely, wonderfully naked:

Yes, I think that charming chap clearly has the right idea. Although, on reflection, my vote is still with photo number 1...


albeo said...

Excellent entry, if I may say so...

Niall said...

Good to have you back. Although I would have said these photos are considerably bigger, or rather the chaps in them are considerably bigger than your usual. That's fine by me though.

Viollet said...

Have a heart: at least the lads have shared themselves with us. They're not professing to be photographers (and one can always do as you have and do post-production tweaking).

I'm fascinated that they are brave enough to expose themselves so identifiably: I'd never have dared to at their ages and I don't suppose you would either (and now, no-one would be interested, in me at least).

LeDuc said...

What do you mean, "have a heart"?? I was celebrating them (well, most of them), and of course I am hugely grateful to them for their generosity whether or not that was their intention.

Unknown said...

Wonderful as always LeDuc (my favorite is the cutie with the nice ass)

Though I hate to tell you that Mr. sixth-down might be longer than you think, forced-perspective, and all.