Saturday, 5 February 2011

What am I to do?

My personal road to Hell is, indeed, paved with good intentions.

I sat down at the computer intending to put together half a dozen witty and exuberant posts featuring a variety of cocks, architecture, cocks, trains, cocks and films (plus films about cocks), but I got side-tracked.

Before I knew it, Friday had segued into Saturday and I hadn't done a single post.

So you get this fistful, cobbled together from some old leftovers, mostly on a theme of falling down (Geddit? Do you geddit??).

Cue: the last image and further puns (some in questionable taste) about falling asleep on the job or being a martyr to my blogging.

Although, now I come to review it, I think that's an entirely satisfactory post. More than enough for any reasonable man/porn hound.

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