Thursday, 3 February 2011

Share and share alike

I am completely in love with this gorgeously sexy man:

Now I've got that out of my system, let me explain what's going on here.

A kind reader sent me some of his own photographs from a World Naked Bike Ride -- I think, from the looks of things, Brighton, but I await correction.

My kind and generous reader has tastes in men which are spookily aligned with my own, at least if this selection is evidence enough.

Take this next hunk-tastic chap -- all chest hair, chunkiness and modest winkie:

Or this next one. Er... ditto:

Of course, we can't agree about everyone:

Let me end this post with a pair of images he also sent to me, but did not take himself (looks like London to me). Unremarkable (and much smaller than I would normally post), except for the delightful perkiness of their tiny winkies:

In general, men with tiny winkies seem not to be as exhibitionistically-inclined as men with massive mutants. 

Which is a bit of a shame, I'd say, especially for gleeful pervs like me who adore them.

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